Mailing Addresses | National Benefit Services

Mailing Addresses

Mailing Addresses

NBS is a 100% remote company. 


These addresses are for United States Postal Service mail processing only.


Mailing Address


Operations and Accounting


National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219494

Kansas City, MO 64121-9494


·         Checks for administrative fee invoice payments (admin fees can also be paid online by ACH or credit card here, or via ACH pulled by NBS)

·         Our W-9 address

Flexible Benefits Department (a.k.a Cafeteria Department)


National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219393

Kansas City, MO 64121-9393

·         Checks for payroll and contribution funding for all flexible benefits, including FSA, HSA, DCAP, HRA, lifestyle accounts, and commuter benefits

·         Funding can also be sent via ACH, wire transfer, or NBS can pull funding via ACH

·         Checks paying claims-paid billing invoices

·         Claims paid invoice payments can also be sent via ACH, wire transfer, or NBS can pull funding via ACH

·         Participant flexible benefits claim forms and supporting documentation

·         Claims can also be submitted through our online participant portal at or by email at  

·         Participant flexible benefits account reimbursement payments 

Non-ERISA Retirement Department


National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219006

Kansas City, MO 64121-9006


·         Checks for payroll contribution funding for non-ERISA retirement benefits

·         Participant distribution or transfer request authorization

·         Participant salary reduction agreements

ERISA Retirement Department

National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219612

Kansas City, MO 64121-9612

·         ERISA Retirement Plan related communication

Fiduciary Services Department

National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219981

Kansas City, MO 64121-7137

·         3(16) Fiduciary Services communication

COBRA Department


National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219893

Kansas City, MO 64121-9893

·         COBRA-related communication other than COBRA premium payments

COBRA Premium Payments


National Benefit Services

Department 5

PO Box 981044 

Boston, MA 02298-1044 

·         COBRA premium payments

Data Services Department

National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219827

Kansas City, MO 64121-9827




National Benefit Services, LLC

PO Box 219356

Kansas City, MO 64121-9356

·         Legal, HR, and corporate documents 




These addresses are for mail or packages sent via FedEx or UPS delivery.


FedEx or UPS

Operations and Accounting


National Benefit Services, LLC 


801 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 219494 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 

Flexible Benefits Department (a.k.a Cafeteria Department)


National Benefit Services, LLC 

Flexible Benefits Department 

801 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 219393 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 


Non-ERISA Retirement Department


National Benefit Services, LLC 

Non-ERISA Retirement 

801 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 219006 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 

ERISA Retirement Department


National Benefit Services, LLC 

ERISA Retirement Department 

801 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 219612 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 

Fiduciary Services Department


National Benefit Services, LLC 

Fiduciary Services Department 

801 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 219981 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 

COBRA Department


National Benefit Services, LLC 

COBRA Department 

801 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 219893 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 

Data Services Department


National Benefit Services, LLC 

Data Services Department 

801 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 219827 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407 



National Benefit Services, LLC 

801 Pennsylvania Ave, Suite 219356 

Kansas City, MO  64105-1407



Frequently Asked Questions


I mail NBS one check with funds for multiple departments. Which address do I use? 

For fastest processing, it’s best to send separate checks for funding that belongs with different departments. However, if this is not feasible for your organization, please use the following logic: 

Check for 

Address to use 

Non-ERISA retirement and Flexible Benefits contribution funding 

Non-ERISA Retirement address 

Non-ERISA retirement contribution funding and administrative fees 

Non-ERISA Retirement address 

Flexible Benefits contribution funding and administrative fees 

Flexible Benefits Department address 



My bank requires a business address when setting up a wire transfer. Which address should I use? 

You may use the address corresponding to the type of funding you are sending.