  • Instructions
  • Your HDHP
  • Your Eligibility
  • Results

Annual HSA Contribution Calculator

Use this tool to calculate the maximum HSA contribution you may make based upon your HDHP coverage type and how much of the year you are/will be covered by an HDHP. This calculator assumes a January to December standard tax year.

We need to know a little bit about your high deductible health plan (HDHP).

Please answer the questions below.

What is the tax year?
What is your HDHP coverage type?
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Next, we'll need to know some information about your eligibility.

Please answer the questions below.

Will you be/were you HDHP eligible on December 1st?
Based on the 'last-month rule,' if you are an eligible individual on the first day of the last month of your tax year (December 1 for most taxpayers), you are considered to be an eligible individual for the entire year.
In which month did you or will you start your HDHP coverage?
In which month did you or will you terminate your HDHP coverage?
Are you/will you be 55 and older and make a catch-up contribution?

We've calculated your maximum HSA contribution for the year

See below

  • Annual Contribution Amount
  • Catch-up Amount
  • Allowed Annual Contribution

We also generated your monthly eligibility breakdown

See below

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